Island Šolta
Šolta like other middle Dalmatian islands with its rich vegetation and flora has always attracted local and foreign botanists. The data of many enthusiasts who did research of flora and fauna at their own expense were very helpful.
Considering the size of the island – 57,8 km2, it wasn’t probably completely researched and it hides many species and subspecies that weren’t yet registered on the island.
Vegetation of the island of Šolta belongs to the eastern Adriatic euro Mediterranean zone that used to be covered with holm-oakwood. But under the influence of people the number of trees was reduced and their place was taken by evergreen underbrush, bushes and rocky pastures. The main district of central evergreen area that includes Šolta is characteristic for weak humidity and the longest summer droughts so it is not strange that hardy plants like dry weed grasslands and holophilic vegetation at steep cliffs are rooted.
Throughout its rich history Šolta was being conquered, defended, attacked by pirates and discovered by artists. Whether a conqueror, villager or an artist – each of them left a trace of his age. From prehistoric period, antiquity and old Christian period to after-war period – each of these periods left a trace in Šolta’s stone in order to tell us a story of the past times.
Place Nečujam
The youngest village of the island, founded by building summer houses but also by planned hotel building, Nečujam is the largest and according to some the most beautiful cove of the island.
It is the center of the island’s tourism and with its apartment village it offers a pleasant holiday to different types of tourists and a lot of them are traditional visitors for decades.
The coves of Nečujam (Piškera, Maslinica, Podkamenica, Šumpljivina and Tiha) are a great potential for development of nautical and day-trip tourism. It is known that the first visitors who felt the beauty of Nečujam were Marko Marulić, the father of Croatian literature, and Petar Hektorović, a poet and a writer. Even the emperor Diocletian knew about the quality of the local seas of Šolta and he had his fishery in Nečujam. The Latin name of this place is Vallis Surda – deaf cove, because of its size. Namely, the cove of Nečujam is one of the larger on Šolta so most of the sounds get lost in it. The best example for that is the fact that when you come by boat to Nečujam at night hours, you can hear the sound from the disco-club only when you reach the shore.
Place Stomorska
It is the oldest coastal village of the island that traces back to 17th ct. It is situated at the foot of sanctuary of Our Lady of Stomorija (St.Maria) or Our Lady of Pines (Gospe od Bori).It is a village of excellent seamen, today owners of a great tourist fleet of sailing-ships that used to be known all over the Adriatic for its transportation of wine and lime. Today it is a tourist village with many cafés, taverns, apartments and a motor camp.
Because of its attractive location on the slopes of the mount the village is very attractive and it is also very well known for its summer fishermen parties. Beside Nečujam, Stomorska represents the greatest tourist potential of the island.
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